01536 710175

Mrs Jo Sail

Main Street, Loddington
Kettering, NN14 1LA

We are a church school

Religious Education is an expression of our vision, as children consider, reflect, question and explore Christianity and other world religions.  We aim to give children a ‘full’ education enriched by visitors in and visits out to enhance their experiences.

Year 5/6 went to Wellingborough to visit a Mosque. They learnt about the five pillars of Islam and were shown some traditional Mosques from around the world. We are very fortunate to have had this fantastic opportunity to experience other world religions.

R/1/2 had a very special visit from Jo Elijah  to help bring to life their current R.E unit on Judaism. The children learnt about Jewish traditions and took part in their own Shabbat celebration. They loved the challah bread and even learnt a few Jewish words!




We are Courageous Advocates

Courageous Advocacy
 links to our Church school ethos of enabling pupils to make ethical choices and to be agents of change.  This includes:

  • The act of speaking out against an issue of injustice, often on behalf of those whose voice is not heard. 

  • Speaking out, at whatever level this takes place, requires an element of courage. 

  • Becoming courageous advocates of change, therefore, must involve being informed about an issue and it must move beyond simply knowing, to saying and doing. 

  • Courageous advocacy is a long-term legacy, an endowment to future generations; it is about releasing the possibility of the pupils in our school to serve the common good. 

2023 - 2024     

In Reception and Year 1 

-          During our transport unit in the Spring term, we willspeak to the children about ways in which we can help to have less traffic on the roads. Possible ideas - Who can walk to school? Could parents park further away? Walking bus?

-          During our animal unit, we will research RSPCA / local animal charities.

-          In Summer 2 when the children explore our ‘Under the sea’ topic, we will  think about ways to help protect the oceans. Could we write letters? Promote litter picking / Look into Tetrapak for recycling ideas for the children.

In Year 2

  • Citizenship PSHE focus – explore ways that we can make our school environment better. Conduct democratic votes and discuss importance of school council
  • When exploring The World in Geography – discuss plastic in oceans and the threats that our world has now. Children can make posters to raise awareness for this.
  • Some children from school council working to organise activities for children in need day.
  • Safer Internet Day – Raising awareness for the need to be safe on the internet. Gathering children’s ideas and opinions from Computing club to support planning for this day.

In Year 3 and 4

  • In Summer 2, work with the Canal and Rivers Trust to design and deliver a fundraising activity to support the preservation of waterways across England and Wales.

In Year 5 and 6

  • Work with children to design a fundraiser relating to Dr Barnardo’s when we have finished reading Street Child.
  • Work with Year 5&6 and discuss ways we could help/raise money to support what is happening in Israel/the Gaza Strip/Palestine.
  • Moving into Spring 1 – look at deforestation – would could be done? A whole school campaign? Relating to palm oil or endangered species of animals?


Our Community Links:

We really value strong community links.  Throughout the year we take part in community initiatives such as: planting daffodil bulbs at the recreation ground, displaying poppies around the village to mark Remembrance, picking litter and taking part in a litter awareness campaign and decorating the pavillion to mark the King's Coronation.  

Remembrance November 2024

During December, we visited a local care home to sing traditional carols. 

Termly, we host ' An Afternoon of Friendship'  in the village hall, where elderly residents are invited to join us for food and refreshements.   The children have learned so much from our neighbours - many of whom went to Loddington School as youngsters and have great stories and memories to share.

Our most recent event was hosting Cafe St. Leonard's in collaboration with our local church on April 20th 2024.  We served over 70 bacon butties, along with cake, fresh fruit and bagels.  The community really embraced and supported us, with such positive comments - even requesting that we make it a monthly event!

Our  November 16th event  2023 - was homemade sausage rolls and a social chat. Invites were prepared and posted by the children.

An Afternoon of Friendship


