01536 710175

Mrs Jo Sail

Main Street, Loddington
Kettering, NN14 1LA

Year 2 had a fantastic and busy start to the spring term, filled with exciting learning opportunities! In D&T, the children had a great time making their own healthy wraps, carefully choosing ingredients to create a balanced meal. They extended this learning in Science by exploring healthy lifestyles, focusing on the importance of food, exercise, and how to keep our bodies strong and healthy.

In RE, the children have been learning all about Islam, engaging in practical activities to deepen their understanding of Muslim beliefs and traditions, including a virtual look around a Mosque.

In Music, the children really enjoyed using xylophones to explore pitch patterns and composing their own version of a song named 'Once a Man Fell in a Well'. As well as these instruments, the children sang different pitches too.

Meanwhile, in Geography, they used maps to explore our local area of Rothwell, identifying human and physical features. They went on a trip to Rothwell to explore these terms and the geographical knowledge in person. Although it was a rainy and windy day, the children loved to be out of the classroom exploring together.  As a highlight, they even created their own maps of Rothwell, further developing key geographical skills.

It’s been a brilliant term of learning, and we’re so proud of everything Year 2 have achieved!

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This term, Year 2 has been buzzing with excitement and enthusiasm for learning. The children have thoroughly enjoyed their history lessons, especially exploring the events of the Great Fire of London. They were particularly fascinated by the story of Samuel Pepys, who wrote a diary during the Great Fire of London. In addition to this, the children loved learning and performing a rap about the Great Fire, so much so that Miss Bell was asked to play it after every lesson!

In Science, our budding young scientists have been engaging in a variety of scientific enquiries. They have tested different materials to determine their suitability for various purposes and focused on whether materials were waterproof or not. These hands-on investigations have sparked curiosity and critical thinking as the children explored the properties of everyday objects. 

In Maths, the children have been actively using a wide range of concrete resources to deepen their understanding of place value, as well as to develop their skills in addition and subtraction. Their hands-on learning has really helped reinforce these key concepts, and we look forward to continuing our focus on addition and subtraction next term!

The children have settled into Year 2 beautifully, and I am incredibly proud of all they have achieved so far. I am excited to see the continued progress and discoveries they will make as we move into the next term!

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Information for all Classes

Year 2 Curriculum


