01536 710175

Mrs Jo Sail

Main Street, Loddington
Kettering, NN14 1LA

A huge highlight for Year 5&6 this term has been their residential to Govilon, in Wales. The children spent the week completing a range of activities: waterfall walking, canoeing, bushcraft, tunnelling, bowling and even a disco! The children had a fabulous week developing their skills and making special memories with their friends which we hope will be cherished forever 😊

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Here you will find all of the blog posts from Year 5 and 6 (Griffin Class)

The newest post will appear at the top through to the oldest post at the bottom of the page.

Autumn Term  2023

Year 5&6 have had an incredibly busy start to the new academic year!  

This term, the children have been learning about Crime and Punishment through the ages. To deepen their knowledge and understanding, the children had the very exciting opportunity to visit the National Justice Museum in Nottingham – a fantastic day out where learning was brought to life.  

Through shared writing, Year 5&6 rewrote ‘The Highwayman’. For their independent piece, they created their own versions of the poem. The children then worked in groups to perform their poems in front of the rest of the school. I’m so proud of all of them for taking part, they worked hard to create props, backdrops and even sound effects!  

As part of their DT unit this term, the children have taken part in a ‘Come Dine with me’ style competition. Over three weeks, the children either cooked a starter, main or dessert. They then got to taste test each other’s creations! 

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Information for all Classes

Year 5 and 6 Curriculum


