01536 710175

Mrs Jo Sail

Main Street, Loddington
Kettering, NN14 1LA

Collective Worship is an expression of our vision, as we aim to inspire children to become confident, caring individuals who live life in all its fullness.  Our values permeate throughout worship, linked clearly to bible references. 

Our Autum One focus Value for 2024 is Friendship.   



Feedback Gathered in Collective Worship

During each whole school worship, pupils are encouraged to reflect upon their participation and the key messages or thoughts for the day.

Collective Worship Observations 

June 2023  Our Church Governor

The theme was very clear.  Visual aids gave focus and were placed with pride at the front. The invitation for pupils to take part in the story made Worship interactive and absorbing.  Questions were welcomed and answered which demonstrated the children’s understanding of the strong Christian theme.

Prayers were said at the end of worship with silence for reflection time. Asking the children to have courage to ask for help and know they can turn to God was a strong message. 

January 2023   Our Diocese Support Consultant

Three candles were lit at the beginning of worship with children being reminded that they were being lit to represent God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. After the lighting of each candle the children were invited to respond ‘Jesus the light of the world is with us.’

The children spoke, when invited, with real confidence and knowledge, reviewing what the value of ‘respect’ meant to them.

The HT introduced todays ‘angle’ of respect (valuing difference), using the ‘Roots and Fruits’ resource and included the re-telling of ‘The Roman Centurion’ story.

Time was given throughout for reflection…key questions were discussed with partners. The presentation was made very personal by the HT including her own real-life take/examples on things. This really gave the children the confidence to ‘open up’ and they expressed very good ideas, with great understanding. The HT also challenged children with questions like ‘How have you shown respect today? How will you show respect today? How has respect been shown to you?

Prayers were beautifully written and read by representatives from each class. They gave thanks, asked for forgiveness and asked for help.

The worship was led by the HT in a way that ensured the children remained engaged and focussed and there was a great sense of warmth and comfort throughout the room. The worship was invitational and very inclusive, offering everyone the opportunity to engage. 'It was very evident that CW of this nature was a natural and valued part of the school culture.'