01536 710175

Mrs Jo Sail

Main Street, Loddington
Kettering, NN14 1LA

This term, the children studied Loddington as our local area in Geography! We loved looking at historical artefacts of what Loddington used to look like and how it has changed. To fully engage in our topic, the children went on numerous field trips around the village but also used digi maps to aid our learning.  To wrap up our topic, the children made their own maps of Loddington and we had so much fun following our routes around the village. We were also very fortunate to celebrate Chinese Lunar day! This year is the year of the snake! We loved making up our own dragon dance and tasting a variety of different foods. We have really enjoyed our science topic of materials and have enjoyed looking in our immediate area at what materials we could see, the children will continue this into spring 2 delving deeper into the properties of different materials.

During our forest school sessions, the children have fully engaged in looking at the nature and animals around them looking at what they can see in our local wetlands. The children have also designed their own dens and thought about what materials could be used to design their own dens.

This term, the children have not only focused on texts and a historical figure (Florence Nightingale) promoting the ‘SUPER selves’ topic, but R1 also had the opportunity to meet som e superheroes within our community and people who help us! We have been extremely lucky to have visits from Kettering fire service, paramedics and the police! On top of this super selection, the children also received special talks from other professionals such as a midwife, builder, lifeboat and rescue, sport figures and a vet/charity talk! This really opened the children’s eyes up to understanding the world around them and really bringing the topic to life. In class, the children indulged in great conversations and produced some beautiful work to coincide with the topic! What a fabulous first term we’ve had!

On top of our SUPER selves topic, the children have attended forest school fortnightly and we even managed to squeeze in a walk around the village incorporating senses and Autumn into our lovely walk. During forest school, the children have had the opportunity to enhance their gross motor by building obstacle courses using the nature around them and resources. The children also demonstrated the creative streaks they all have and produced some wonderful supertato collages using nature, leaf skewers and completed some natural scavenger hunts. We look forward to what next term brings!

Reception and Year 1 Curriculum




Information for all Classes