01536 710175

Mrs Jo Sail

Main Street, Loddington
Kettering, NN14 1LA

The School’s curriculum is planned to meet the needs of all individuals. It is designed to promote harmony between those of different races, cultures and creeds, and to provide equal opportunities for all, regardless of sex, religion, disability or class. If you would like any further information about the curriculum offer please contact the Headteacher.

Small class sizes mean that we know the children well and can ensure that they are making progress in all areas.

We track all children against their projected target and will give appropriate support to any child who is experiencing difficulties in attaining their target.

Geography and History are taught discretely, but where possible, links are made to other subjects.


Our youngest children follow the Early Early Foundation Curriculum which breaks down early development into 7 broad areas. Children are expected to reach their Early Learning Goals in each of the specific areas by the end of the Reception year. 

Discrete Learning

We teach PSHE through the Kapow scheme of work, which covers all aspects of personal, social and health education as well as online safety and relationships education. 

We teach RE using The Diocese of Peterborough Syllabus (revised in 2024-2029) and Understanding Christianity. At least 50% of our teaching time is dedicated to teaching concepts within Christianity (although these sometimes link to other faiths) and pupils learn for at least 1 hour a week in KS1 and 1 hour 15 minutes in KS2.

We teach PE using the PE Hub schemes of work. Our PE lessons are delivered by a dedicated, qualified coach. Each year we enter the Northamptonshire Sport festival of sport and School Games competitions enabling our pupils to experience competitive and non competitive sporting events with a range of other schools. These include Football, New Age Kurling, Boccia, Athletics and others.  All pupils in Upper KS2 have the opportunity to learn to swim until they are proficient to 25m. 

We teach French to pupils in Y3 - Y6 using a scheme of work from Kapow. 

Music is taught using the Kapow on line scheme of work. 

 Computing is taught using the 'Purple Mash' online scheme of work. Pupils have access to a wide range of programmes and applications on their platform which enable the progression of their computing skills including coding. 

Please see CLASSES tab for detailed Long Term Plans and Half-termly overviews, outlining curriculum details further.