01536 710175

Mrs Jo Sail

Main Street, Loddington
Kettering, NN14 1LA

Click here to access PDET website page which details the Trust’s governance arrangements, the academy memorandum and articles of association, annual accounts, annual report and funding agreement.  You will also find a number of trust wide policies which are relevant to Loddington CE School. Please contact the school if you would to receive a paper copy of any of our policies.

Visit PDET Website for all Trust-wide Policies

Trust and School Policies

Title Description Download
pdf Equality Objectives Appendix 2 Download
pdf Acceptable Use Policy Download
pdf Accessibility Plan Download
pdf Admissions Policy 2022 Download
pdf Admissions Policy 2023-2024 Download
pdf Admissions Policy 2025-2026 Download
pdf Allegations Concerns Policy in relation to adults Download
pdf Anti-Bullying Policy Loddington May 2024 Download
pdf Attendance Policy Download
pdf Attendance Policy - Appendix A Download
pdf Behaviour Policy including Principles April 2024 Download
pdf British Values and Prevention of Radicalisation and Exremism Policy Download
pdf British Values and The Prevention of Radicalisation and Extremism Appendix 1 Download
pdf Charging and Remissions Policy Download
pdf Collective Worship Policy 2024 Download
pdf Complaints Policy and Procedure Download
pdf Equalities Policy - September 2023 Download
pdf Equality Objectives Appendix 3 Download
pdf Exclusions Policy Download
pdf Health and Safety Policy Download
pdf Health and Safety Policy Download
pdf Intimate Care Policy May 2024 Download
pdf Keeping children safe in education 2023 Download
pdf Physical Intervention Policy Download
pdf Prevent Strategy Download
pdf Relationships and Sex Health Education Policy May 2024 Download
pdf Religious Education Policy Appendix 1 - January 2024 Download
pdf Religious Education Policy January 2024 Download
pdf Safeguarding Policy - January 2024 Download
pdf Safeguarding Policy Appendices - January 2024 Download
pdf Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy Download
pdf Spirituality Policy 2023-2024 Download
pdf Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy Download
pdf Whistleblowing Policy Download