Main Street, Loddington
Kettering, NN14 1LA
Autumn Term 2023
Centaur class have worked extremely hard during the Autumn term. They have loved their History unit on the Romans, and have enjoyed welcoming a visitor into school for a fully hands on and practical experience day. During this, the children were able to handle many artefacts, take part in re-enactments and participate in drama activities linked to significant Roman people.
In their English lessons, Year 3 and 4 have further developed their understanding of Roman times through studying the myth of Romulus and Remus, the twins who are believed to have founded Rome. They wrote their own myths, and also explored a fictional diary from the perspective of a Roman slave.
In their Art unit, the children have been refining their skills of painting and colour mixing to create tones and shades. They have applied this to a range of still life drawings, exploring composition and proportion. This was not an easy task!
Would you make it to the Afterlife?
This was the very question Year 3 and 4 were asking themselves when we took part in a History re-enactment lesson as part of our work on Ancient Egyptian beliefs. In the classroom we used a range of sources to find out about how the Ancient Egyptians believed that when they died, they would face their judgement in the Hall of Truth. Here, their heart would be weighed against the feather of Ma'at - the Egyptian goddess of truth, justice, balance and order. If their heart was light - a straight path to meet Osiris and a fulfilling future in the glorious Afterlife. However, if their heart was heavy, they had lived a life of sin, their heart would be eaten by Ammemet, an Egyptian demon and "The Eater of hearts".
We then had fun re-enacting this in the playground, where we all faced our judgement!
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